Friday, September 25, 2009

5 1/2 Months Old!

WOW! Today Logan, Landon, & Leila are 5 1/2 MONTHS OLD! Isn't that amazing!

Recent Milestones:

8.28.09  Landon - consistently sleeps through the night!
9.03.09  Leila- began giggling (not just chuckling) for the first time!
9.13.09  Logan - began rolling over from his back to his tummy!
9.16.09  Landon - no longer satisfied with just an 8 oz. bottle!

9.19.09  Leila - often wants more than a 4 oz. bottle!
9.20.09  Logan - often wants more than a 4 oz. bottle!
9.22.09  Logan - giggled for the first time! (not doing it often though)

Thank you Lord, for blessing us with these three healthy babies. Thank you for watching over their growth and development and allowing them to progress normally. Thank you for holding our fourth, Ella Faith, in your arms and keeping her from all harm and pain. We give you praise for each of these miracles. Amen.


Cammie said...


Simply Sweet Ribbon Boutique said...

So amazing... 5 1/2 months...God is good, all the time!