Sunday, October 25, 2009

Baby Update

The babies had their six-month check-up this past week. Boy are they growing! Here's how they measured up:

  • Leila:     12# 4oz ; 23 1/4" long
  • Logan:   13# 8oz ; 23 1/2" long
  • Landon: 16# 4oz ; 25" long
In addition to their routine vaccinations, they also had some bloodwork drawn to check for various things common in preemies, particularly calcium and phosphorous. Landon and Leila had levels that were lower than normal. So, the doctor changed their formula to one that has boosted calcium and phosphorous; of course, it is an expensive formula that has to be ordered. At least Logan's expensive formula has been doing it's job--his levels were just fine!

We were also given the all clear to start introducing spoon feeding! So, this weekend we started with cereal. Leila is actually the best with the spoon, tongue, and swallowing thing. Landon is probably gonna take the longest to catch on; I think more comes out than was put in!

The past couple of days have been nonstop crying by most of them though. It started before we began the cereal, so I'm not sure if there is a connection. But, whatever it is it is NOT COOL! I thought we were over this hump, and now it's crept back up.

Please pray that this subsides and all of them can return to their happy selves! Please pray for the sanity of the rest of us that are trying our hardest to take care of them. I am gonna have the white flag nearby!

1 comment:

Cammie said...

You know I will be praying! I love Team Tabb!!